The Magic of KISS

Approximate Read Time: 2 minutes

Have you heard of the popular adage Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)? Although it’s applicable to practically every area of your life, have you ever considered what KISS can do for your business? If you need any convincing, here are a few reasons why keeping it simple in business is always a good idea.

Making Business Simple

Easy to Understand

When you’re thinking about things you want to accomplish or how to do something, you want to be able to explain it in a manner that everyone can understand, including your team, customers and other people you do business with. The easier something is to understand, the more likely it is to be accomplished. If you give your team clear instructions and explain everything in a simple 1,2,3 manner, you’re more likely to get buy in to your ideas. If you establish a set of complicated rules without explaining your thought process and what you want to accomplish, you might frustrate your team and discourage them from following through.

Set Your Team up for Success

When you simplify complex ideas and give clear instructions that everyone can follow, you’re making it easy for your team to execute your plan and setting them up for success. You want your team to be a master at their craft. With a team full of experts, it’ll be easier to delegate and assure that you reach your goals. You’ll also be able to evaluate them properly. Giving confusing instructions is one of the most common downfalls of any business owner. You may believe that everyone knows what they should do, but in reality, you’re the only one that masters that knowledge. Make sure you set up your team for success, it’ll make your life easier and you’ll all be more successful.

Plan for Success

Let’s be frank. If you don’t plan to succeed, you plan to fail. Most businesses fail because of lack of planning. When you establish your goals and how you are going to achieve them, you’re able to outline a path to achieve them. By setting clear, straightforward goals, you’re giving yourself and your team a blueprint on how to conduct your business. You’ll know exactly what you are aiming toward. This will eliminate unnecessary efforts on things that don’t contribute toward what you’re trying to achieve.

Make your goals SMART (Specific, measurable, actionable, reasonable and time bound). SMART goals are easy to understand and remember, and they will help everyone understand exactly what is expected of them and how they can contribute to your overall goals. When everyone is working together and understands their role in your business’ success, you’ll really start moving the needle in the right direction.

So remember; keep it simple, stupid 😉

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